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Meet the Team

One Vision

Meet the Team: Meet the Team

Tarek Turk

Tarek is a Syrian doctor who lives and works in his home town of Damascus. He studied at the University of Damascus and specializes in Dermatology and Venereology. Tarek is currently doing research on Leishmaniasis in Syria, and on psycho-dermatology at the University of Alberta in Canada. In addition, he is studying the effects of the Canadian wildfires on the mental health of the local population. He is also actively involved in the expanding field of Global Health and a member of the WHO guideline group for self-care interventions to promote reproductive and sexual health. 

Tarek has worked with many young people during the Syrian crisis. His mission was to tackle the consequences of the devastating war through health and education. During the past few years, he has trained students both in Syria and internationally on several aspects of medicine, research, public health and humanitarian response. 

Tarek has dedicated his life to serve others, especially youngsters. He deeply thinks that if everyone gives a little bit of time and effort, the world could be a better place for a great many more people.

See below Tarek talking about the importance of education and the need to look outwards.


Theresa Dusonchet-Carton

Born in Canada and raised in the United Kingdom, Theresa comes from a multi-cultural background and speaks 6 languages. She studied Literature and Communication Arts at Loyola of Montreal and obtained a Master’s degree in French Language and Literature at the Sorbonne.

Communication has always been important to her. It has also played a significant role in her two professions as a journalist and a teacher. Her articles have been published in a wide assortment of newspapers and magazines with the subject matter ranging from travel to education, refugees and interviews. She worked as a translator and taught in a private international school in Geneva for 10 years. Theresa has a large family which is spread out all over the world. She has great respect for young people and believes in encouraging their dreams. 

Therea Dusochet-Carton

Inge Murray

Inge was born and grew up in Germany. She qualified as a teacher at the University of Tübingen after having studied in France as well. Thanks to a Fulbright scholarship, she graduated from the University of Massachusetts with a Master’s degree in Psycholinguistics and Language Acquisition.

For several years, Inge taught French and English in Germany. After moving to Switzerland, she continued working as a foreign language teacher at an international school in Geneva as well as in the public system.

As a mother of three children, she was involved in various international youth exchange programs. She also enjoyed providing ‘’a home away from home’’ to university students from all over the world.

Inge strongly believes in bringing young people together so that the vision of their future be more open-minded and positive.

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Tarek Turk talks at TEDxYouth

This is what Tarek Turk,  has to say about the importance of education and the need to look outwards.

Meet the Team: Video
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